Thai Cooking Classes for Mother’s Day Gift!
Flowers, chocolate cakes or cookies that are wonderful gift, but you can also offer your dear
mother something different… how about a Thai cooking class?
It is special and exotic gift idea! Especially if your mother enjoys Thai food…
She will discover the experience of a one–on-one hands-on cooking class with Chef Napa
and a great meal at home. Subscribe now and receive your Gift Voucher, then, please browse
my website to choose your favorite dishes,
set the date and time booking online.
A special promotion package of HKD800 for a choice of 3 dishes is available
at Thai Cooking Class at Home. Your mom can also invite 2 guests to her first
home cooked Thai dinner/lunch.
If your mom is too far away… why not treat yourself instead?
If you wish to offer this very special present to your dear Mother, then do not miss this opportunity.
Reserve a date for her! or for yourself by using our online Appointment Book.